New Uniforms For Our Staff
At White Lodge Care Home we have recently introduced new uniforms for all the staff. I have been involved with the home for over twenty years, and in the olden days Care Assistants were nearly all women, and we had pink uniforms. We are glad to say that we now employ plenty of men as Carer’s, which is good for everyone, especially some of our male clients. The problem is that has led to a rather fractured uniform policy, with all different coloured uniforms for men and women, which is potentially confusing for everyone. It is for that reason that we have made a considerable investment to ensure that all staff uniforms are, erm uniform in colour. This will help visitors and residents, particularly anyone with memory problems. The new colour code is the same for polo shirts and tunics and is;
Navy Blue: Deputy Manager
Hospital/Mid Blue: Senior on Duty
Light Blue: Care Assistant
Grey: Domestic Cleaner